Catalog Format Requirements

  • Updated


The product catalog should be encoded in UTF-8.

File Format

We support CSV, TSV and XML catalogs. We can handle these column delimiters : comma, semicolon, or vertical bar for CSV, tab for TSV.

The link doesn’t need to end with .csv or .tsv though. If the catalog comes from an URL, we can run a catalog accessible through HTTP or HTTPS.

We can run catalogs which include login and password. We must respect a precise syntax for this, as we should put the credentials formatted as login:password@ right after the protocol (http or https) when we upload the catalog.

Example : https://login:password@catalog_url.csv

For the XML files, there are few more requirements to respect :

  • we need a header which precises the version of the XML standard
  • we need one or several overall markups
  • we need an item list delimited by a recurring markup
  • we need, for each product, recurring attributes which have a static markup name



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>Your fancy product name</description>
<price>7,99 €</price>


Header Requirements

A header with column names in the catalog is necessary to run a product feed ad. 

To correctly map the catalog with our system, we need at least these three columns : Product ID, Image URL, Description. Please keep in mind that without these columns at least, we are unable to run dynamic product ads.

Column names should be understandable and self-explanatory. They can be written in any format as long as they don’t contain the column delimiter of the file. If this is the case, the column names should be quoted with double quotation marks.

Catalog Content

The structure needs to stay the same in the whole file : same number of columns for every line. Please note that some fields can be left empty.

A text field must be quoted with double quotation marks to avoid conflict with file format delimiters.

Refreshing the Catalog

We are able to handle an automatic refresh of the product catalog if needed. We have to make sure that the catalog structure won’t change, and we have to know the refresh frequency that you need (we can do it hourly, daily or monthly).

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