Set Up Event Postbacks

  • Updated

Configure Adikteev as New Partner

  1. Login to your Kochava dashboard, locate the desired app and select App Tools > Partner Configuration

  2. Click "Add a Configuration"

Select Adikteev in the list of partners and click "Go"

Edit Postbacks

Then for each app event (Install, Open, Purchase, ...) do the following steps:

  1. Locate your event in the list and select Postback Tools > Edit
  2. On the postback edition screen:
    • Enter the package name of your app for Android or the bundle ID for iOS (example: "com.mydomain.myapp") in the Bundle Name
    • Tick "Send Event Data'
    • Select "Realtime Delivery" in Delivery Delay
    • Select "3 attempts" in Retry Attempts
    • Select "All" in Delivery Method
    • Click Save



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