Generate Attribution Links

  • Updated


Generating click, engaged view-through and view-through  attribution links

1. Go to the Integrated Partners view and select Adikteev

2. Click on the Attribution Link tab

Please note that this tab helps you to generate attribution links, but they are not automatically saved.


Some attribution link parameters specific to Adikteev DSP are automatically added for optimal analysis of your campaign results, and you can optionally click on "Add parameter" to add other parameters required by your own data platform.


Toggling retargeting settings on

  1. Turn the toggle Retargeting Settings ON
    This toggle must be ON at all times in order to properly attribute events to the reengagement campaign
  2. Please add your deeplink URL
    For Android, we recommend you to select Use a standard attribution link
    For iOS, we recommend you to Use OneLink 

Customizing the attribution windows

You can customize your windows for Re-Engagement, Click-Through, Engaged view-through and View-Through.

The Re-Engagement Window is the timeframe in which the in-app events generated by a user who should be attributed to Adikteev.

The Click-Through Lookback Window determines the maximum time passing from a click to a reengagement.

The Engaged View-Through Lookback Window determines the maximum time passing from an engaged view (typically when a video is viewed for at least 10 seconds) to a reengagement.

The View-Through Lookback Window determines the maximum time passing from a view to a reengagement, provided there was no click nor engaged view from the user.


Copy the "Click Attribution Link", "Engaged view attribution link" and the "Impression Attribution Link" generated automatically by AppsFlyer after you've set up all the details. 


Send the attribution links to your Account Manager at Adikteev to perform tracking test and ensure everything is working smoothly.

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