Connect with AppsFlyer "Audiences"

  • Updated

Required information 

Before setting up the connection to the AppsFlyer Audience builder you need credentials from your Adikteev Account Manager so that we are able to establish a secure connection. Your Account Manager will provide with you the following information which is required to set up the integration.

  • API Username,
  • API Password
  • Company ID


Connecting audiences to Adikteev

  1. Log in your AppsFlyer dashboard and navigate to the Audiences menu
  2. Click on Connect tab. 
  3. Select Adikteev from the list of integrations. 
  4. Click on Add a new connection.
  5. Complete the fields API username, API password, and company ID. adikteev-appsflyer-audience-integration.png
  6. Click Add Connection to create the connection.
  7. One the connection with a partner is established, select the audiences to connect to the partner. Click Save Connections.
  8. AppsFlyer will then automatically update each audience once per day.


You can find more information about this integration and its functionalities on AppsFlyer website.

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